Monday, January 22, 2007

Choice *Fahrenheit 451*

* How would you rate the novel (From 1-10)? Why? Are there any changes or different thoughts after reading the book? What are they?
-I would rate this book as 8. 'Fahrenheit 451' is very interesting and has a deep thinking. It is a novel that can be read after many generations. It is an important book for today and future to let people, especially teenagers realize that they should not depend on electrical devices. The setting and the mood of the novel grabbed my full attention. But the reason I did not rate the book as 10, is because there were no very much thrills as I expected. Also, there were some settings where I wanted some more descriptions, such as Clarisse's death or Montag's wife's suicide. Also, I would have liked it more if the climax was more detailed.
The book definitely has changed me. After reading this book, I also realized the importance and the value of books like Montag. In my leisure time, I’m trying to read books rather than playing games on computer or watch television. I'm spending less time on computer, cell phone, mp3, etc. (electrical devices) in my freetime. The television entertanis you surely; it makes you laugh or cry, but I realized this time that books can also control your mind. Sometimes books can control your mind much more than televisions or computers. My goal this holiday is to read more dramatic books!


Jean Eun Jin Lee. said...

I agree that there weren't much thrill in the book. Some of the best books I've read like "Haunted" had thrill in them, making me eager to read more, but Fahrenheit451..was a no-no. I would personally give this book a five out of ten. Like you said, there should be more detail in the book. This book made me feel like it took me ten years to finish it. I usually enjoy science-fiction books, but not this one. I would have loved to know the after story of Clarisse, but unfortunately it wasn't mentioned.
It was good to hear that the time you spend on electronics reduced.(But did it really reduce? Just joking.) I should also consider the serious consequences from Fahrenheit 451 and try to prevent those from happening. :]

Stacy said...

I read The Lord of the Flies, and I would give it a 8 out of 10. The book was thrilling, at least for me, and it was dealing with teenage boys, that made me more related to this book. I liked the details it had, but the other things that book had was confusing. This book does not only deal with physical things but also deals with mental, and spritual things. It was too difficult to think about. The novel had many symbolism, which drove me crazy. But I look at the novel again, and I realize that it paints the world right now. The Lord of the Flies is a freaky crazy book. =]

Sukkyeong* said...

Really?? I was going to read 'Lord of the Flies' for my next blog. Is it THAT freaky? (I don't like freaky stories...=T) Well, anyways, thanks for leaving a comment and see ya on Monday! =)

Unknown said...

It's surprising that you thought the book lacked the thrill that you would expect in another science fiction novel. I myself have read Farenheight 451 a few months ago, and found it fascinating. It's a dystopian novel that portrays a critical viewpoint that might actually come true in the near future for humankind--through the careful choice of words and plotline, the author Ray Bradbury is actually using his work as a tool to warn the world of the risk of modern technology. Ironically, in this book, books are banned; hence the title Farenheight 451, the temperature the books burn. This book shows that tyranny may not come from a single man, or that technology is always beneficial. The television that has replaced the books in the characters' lives are the 'thought-destroying force.' This may allude to the book burning in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. A somewhat similar novel, in the aspect that it too is a dystopian novel, The Brave New World might be another read that others might enjoy if they had enjoyed this book.

Sukkyeong* said...

Hi, Sophie!!!Thanks for leaving a comment =D You seem to very much about 'Fahrenheit 451'! It's interesting to hear your different thoughts. =)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with you (and jean :]). To me, the book wasn't filled with as many thrills as I expected. Although the author, Ray Bradbury, did have a great point, this particular book did not "quench my thirst." I wasn't compelled to continue reading, most of the time. I do realize, after reading Fahrenheit 451, the importance of books, but also how so many people in this generation only depend on technology. It's great to hear that you are trying to read books rather than watch television or use other electronic devices. How have you been keeping up to your goal? Is it difficult or easier than you thought it would be? I'd like to know :).

Amy Yoo said...

I am going to think about reading this book because people are saying there weren't very many thrills. I enjoy books that keeps me on the edge of my chair the whole time but you also said that the book taught you a lesson on the value of books(?). If it does, then I need to read this book because reading books isn't my favorite thing to do. So... we'll see if I read Fahrenheit. <3

Yaejin said...

har har...totoro..very funny! I had to point out that you wrote 145 instead of 451. I haven't read this book yet, but I will soon. My rating standard would be how thrilling the book is and how much action there are. I see other people's comments, I guess there aren't much details in the book, are there?
Oh, and thanx for leaving comments on my blog, nhaw-goo-ri.

Sukkyeong* said...

Urg! Thanks Yaejin!
I wrote 145 instead of 451 accidently lol :P

African Globe Trotters. said...

Good idea for the holiday. Reading is wonderful. Do make sure that you proof your posts. Mrs.Mc.

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