Monday, January 22, 2007

Passage *Fahrenheit 451*

* Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

The captain continues by defending the moral aims of the ideal of censorship: “Not everyone born free "and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against.”

I read this passage over and over. I think this passage is very meaningful. It tells a large amount of Beatty’s personal thoughts. He thinks that there should be no minorities (such as cat lovers and dog lovers), and everyone should be happy. Here, he is actually thinking in a positive perspective trying to make the world peaceful. But then, he takes a different rout, saying that the only way to make this world peaceful is to burn books and our knowledge.
Also, it tells how dangerous it is to chase after the idea of equalism. It neglects each persons characteristics and minorities. If all the people are equal as Beatty says, there will be no individuality and no different thoughts. How boring it will be! Example, there is a class discussion about a book. Everyone will say the same thought of the book and there will be no other interesting thoughts or other opinions! Another example would be in a restaurant. Everyone will order the same menu if they do not have different opinions!


Korean Cherry Blossem said...

I love your blog! It really made me think about this subject. That passage mot only shows the nature of Captain Beatty’s character, but also what was obviously the reason the books were burned. People didn’t want to have differences they just wanted everyone one to be ‘equal’. But as you said we can not all be equal. I will go as far as to say I totally disagree with Captain’s Beatty’s assessment of the situation. Every person is different and every person is born with their own gifts, talents, and personalities. One problem with the concept that everything should be ‘equal’ or ‘fair’ is that, to be most blunt and truthful, life isn’t fair!! It will never be fair for anyone. I’m not saying that all the things like prejudice are right, but it is human nature!! People can’t help where they are born or what family they are born into, and the sooner people recognize that the better. There are so many examples of that in our everyday life and trying to suppress the natural human instinct or ‘drive’ to succeed and make life better is sometimes driven by self ambition or the want of being lifted up. I’m not saying that the motives for these things are always right or anything, but where would our human civilization be without people that are, in fact, being selfish and not ‘sharing’ with everyone?

African Globe Trotters. said...

Fantastic Post. Great comments and wonderful thoughts. Mrs.Mc.

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