Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Theme *Animal Farm*

*What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?
-Animal Farm has an amazing theme hidden. It is a retold story of the development of Soviet communism. The pigs, which represent commoners, want to receive freedom from Mr. Jones, the tyrant. Napoleon, which represents Stalin, tries to gain more power than Snowball, Leon Trotsky. Napoleon becomes selfish as he gains more power. Eventually, he acts tyrannically like the other oppressors in the beginning, such as Mr. Jones.
The theme of ‘Animal Farm’ is that there always are different classes in a society, and humans are born to have different powers. Although the different classes in society have unified after they have banished Mr. Jones from their farm, the different classes appear again although their enemy, Mr. Jones has disappeared. There always is a tendency toward class stratification in many communities. Simultaneously, there are people, usually people in lower classes, who want freedom. The high class has control over the lower class that longs for freedom in society. The low class represents Boxer. To make everything clear, Boxer repeats to himself that Napoleon is the right one in the story. Once they lower class receives freedom, there will be a new leader created, who will eventually take control over the others. This will keep repeating on and on.
The other theme of ‘Animal Farm’ is that language can be very powerful and dangerous. The animals in the farm have gained the idea of rebellion and freedom from Major, but once Major dies, the pigs have changed the meaning of what he has said. Because of such slight change in some words, the whole story changes! Instead of gaining freedom and unity, the pigs have gained freedom from Mr. Jones and they have taken Mr. Jones’ place.
The two themes are important to teenagers in 2007. The theme seems to be not related to year 2007 at all, but in reality, competition is always present. For example, if there is a president who does not listen to others’ opinions, then there will be a brave person who will lead the commoners to rebel against the president. When the president is gone, the person who had taken control over the commoners will eventually become the new president. But he/she will act the same way as the president before, forgetting what they had wanted, once he/she has the overall control. So, I think that teenagers have to understand that they need to get over the temptation of power in order to become a fair leader. If a student becomes the school president, he/she has to remember to listen to others’ thoughts and not give commands to others because of the power he/she has.
Currently, teenagers use bad languages. Sometimes, they say without thinking. This leads to many fights and misunderstandings. One word can change the whole sentence, and it is very important for not only teenagers, but everyone to think before they say something.

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